who I am...

My name is Allison Kamm and I am a Certified Life Coach (GCU), K-12 Teacher/Counselor, 500 Hr Yoga Teacher (with an emphasis in healing) and a certified Somatic Practitioner. I also hold a BA in Psychology from ASU and an MS in Psychology from GCU. I was also a Div 1 Athlete, earning a soccer scholarship to University of Pittsburgh.

My journey with anxiety, addiction and codependency began from a very young age. It wasn’t until my early 20’s, after I lost my soccer scholarship due to injuries, that these imbalances became life altering. I developed an eating disorder, which transitioned to an addiction to marijuana and a pattern of codependent intimate relationships. During this trying time, in order to find some grounding, I began working with various therapists and studying spirituality. But, it was my work within the body that allowed me to create a new baseline and recover from my addictive behaviors. What I did not consciously realize at the time was that my attention was gradually being shifted from the external world to the internal world. I was slowly learning how to create a relationship with myself that centered around compassion, curiosity and love; not judgment and criticism.

My desire is to share what I have learned with others and to offer them tools that will facilitate healing, personal growth and whatever transformation they desire.

what I offer...

I am a Somatic Practitioner, using the body, the breath and the mind to create lasting transformation. Together we will work with your nervous system and determine what changes are necessary to reach your goals. My goal is to empower you to bring awareness to your internal world and to offer you the necessary tools to reclaim that balance your body desires. We use a top down and bottom up approach to therapy, focusing on creating alignment with the body and mind. I believe in the holistic approach to healing and my therapeutic sessions are designed to include a variety of healing modalities, based on the individual needs of the client.

  • Initial Zoom Consultation (30-min) $25

    We can review your goals and talk about a plan of action.

  • Per Session (60-min) $75

    These sessions can be done over Zoom or we can arrange an in-person session.

  • My goal is to empower you, by teaching you the tools you can apply consistently, in order to reach your goals!

Allison Kamm

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